Archive for 2011

Keeping Depression In Check

In the US, depression can be seen in 1 out 10 in the population according to statistics.   Many factors are seen to be connected with depression. Others may experience a life changing situation or others have acquired it without any sign.  The real cause of depression is still unknown but there are many theories about it.   Some experts on this field are saying that the cause of this is the lack of Serotonin in the brain due to the fast breakdown of Serotonin in the brain.   Depression is also high in women due to the hormonal change that they have.  Some also say that if you have a family history of depression then you are at risk though some cases of depression don’t have any traceable history in their family.  Depression can also come in certain age groups like in teens and elderly.   Others who are at risk are people with negative attitude, introverts and have low self esteem.  Paxil users are seen to have a greater risk in having a heart attack than those people who are not taking any antidepressants according to a study.

Psychologists say that the first step to recovery from depression is recognizing the signs.  Depression does only cause sadness but also irritability and anger.   Depression may also cause a person to lack interest in doing day to day activities. Sleeping problems like oversleeping or insomnia.   Without any intention of gaining or losing weight but have gained or lost weight by 5kgs in just a month.  They also lack concentration even in performing simple tasks and in making decisions.   Death and suicide is always playing in their mind.  They also have sleep problems like oversleeping or insomnia that can make them feel tired all day long.   They move like they are in slow motion or in a constant unrest, some may even not move at all.   Feelings of worthlessness and guilt always plagued them.

As a way to manage the following symptoms, doctors prescribe antidepressants like Paxil.  Although it may stop the feelings of depression and the person may regain their life back, it doesn’t give 100% insurance that it will cure the person.  The depression will still be there and if the person continues to take the antidepressant, the person may develop a tolerance for the drug.  Thus they won’t feel any relief from the smaller dose that they used to get.   Paxil even has side effects that can be bothersome and dangerous to some.  The side effects associated with it that has really caused an alarm is the Paxil birth defects like problems in the heart for babies born from women who took Paxil in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Paxil Information
 Paxil Information

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The Deep End of Paxil

Problems with depression are a worldwide phenomenon and some people may not even realize that they have depression.  In one of the survey in the US, 1 out of 10 adults have reported to have depression and are affecting more than 20 million Americans.   No specific cause can be given for depression but some risk factors makes it easier to understand why some people have it.  Depression sometimes foster dependency on the medication by the patients, a study has shown that antidepressants can cause manic episodes to non-bipolar patients.

 Depression and other mental illness’ specialists believe that genetic takes a big portion when it comes to risk factors.  Environment and genetic risk factors can be partners because for most people that grew up in an environment of depressed individual then it is likely that the child will also contract it.   Depression is also triggered by having to experience a tragic event.

 Gender has an also a significance in depression.   There are several factors that makes women more prone to depression than men and these are; stress in raising a family and earning money, pregnancy and post-partum depression and also hormonal imbalance or menstrual cycle.  Men may be at risk for depression if they have poor or bad relationships, stressed from problems at home and at work, unable to ventilate their emotions and have had substance abuse.

 Some people are also at risk because of their age.  Depression in the elderly is usually due to a loss of a loved one or the feeling of dependence.  Teenagers and children can also be depressed when they have poor relationship with their peers or family, and if there is a history of depression in the family.   Most pharmaceutical company is making profit out of depression because all of us can develop depression.   Paxil is one of the leading antidepressants in the market.   Since its introduction in 1992, Paxil has been in a lot of cases about its side effects.

 Paxil lawsuit is now being filed by people who have experienced serious side effects while taking Paxil.  GlaxoSmithKline is now facing a number of charges due to these claims. 

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$3.02 Million in Monetary Compensation Given to Family of Victim

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released public health advisories saying that antidepressant intake can aggravate suicidal attempts. However, in April 2006, the family of a New Mexico woman sued GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) for withholding safety information that contributed to her suicide. The Albuquerque Journal recently published about Los Lunas jury granted $3.02 Million to the family of the victim as compensation for the unjustified damage that Paxil had caused them.

Depression and Suicide

Most patients who are put into therapy after attempting suicide say that they did it because they were “trying to escape from a situation that seemed impossible to deal with or to get relief from really bad thoughts or feelings.” In other words, they were suffering from depression.

Depression is considered a disorder of the brain. Its causes vary, from the genetic, environmental, and psychological to biochemical, like alcohol and drug intake. People suffering from depression may have the feelings of worthlessness, guilt, regret, helplessness, hopelessness and self-hatred. Insomnia and oversleeping are also most common among depressed individuals. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the criteria for depression include fatigue, migraines, digestive problems, social withdrawal, and reduced sex drive. In extreme depression cases, unpleasant hallucinations, psychosis, memory loss, poor concentration and suicide include the symptoms.

Researchers say that suicide is now considered an object of multidisciplinary study, with psychology, psychiatry, sociology and anthropology. Important insights of suicide are provided by each branch of study.

Antidepressants and Suicide

Taking antidepressant and talk therapy are the known treatments for depression. Yet antidepressants like Paxil, which is supposed to cure depression, increases the risk of suicide attempts according to clinical findings. The FDA already released various warnings in its Paxil advisories.

Paxil Settlement

So, those who have been taking Paxil should immediately consult their healthcare expert if doubts concerning its effect on health and state of mind come up. Presently, a number of Paxil lawsuit is now being filed against its manufacturer GSK. Affected patients aim to receive a financial compensation from the company. To know more about Paxil lawsuits, seeking legal advice is suggested.


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Paxil Birth Defects Make For Troublesome Choices For Mothers

Often in life, people are faced with difficult choices such as mothers who have to take medications during their pregnancy. Pregnant women are prone to depression and if untreated could pose danger to both her and the baby she is carrying in her womb. However, some antidepressants are making life complicated for mothers because of the new set of side effects that these drugs have been identified with by studies. This is not the first time that Paxil has gotten into trouble as in 2010, Glaxo had settled Paxil claims for over $2 billion.

The most widely prescribed antidepressants belong to a class of medication known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Paxil or Paroxetine. Since its approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1993, Paxil has become one of the mostly prescribed antidepressant. However, of late, a New England Journal of Medicine study found that women who took SSRIs during their third trimester were six times more likely to deliver babies born with persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) than those who didn't take SSRIs during their third trimester.

A study from Sweden found that birth defects were twice as common among Paxil users as among women taking other antidepressants or none at all. Prior to advance treatments, approximately 50 percent of babies diagnosed with PPHN died, however, with the advancement of medicine, this number have been lowered to less than 20 percent. Another 20 percent have long-term physical and developmental difficulties due to the condition. Even after treatment, the baby can be susceptible to heart failure, brain hemorrhage, seizures, kidney failure, or organ damage - sometimes the condition is even fatal. Babies who survive PPHN sometimes have long-term breathing difficulties, seizures, developmental disorders and hearing loss.

The exact cause of PPHN is unknown in many cases; however, based on the study, when a newborn’s mother is taking SSRIs during her third trimester, that is more likely the cause. No mother in her right mind would allow her child to suffer and if given a chance would avoid causing discomfort to her baby at all cost even at the detriment of her own health. This is why if they had known beforehand of the Paxil birth defects, they would have been given a choice to either take it for their health’s sake or not take it for their baby’s sake.

GlaxoSmithKline, the maker of Paxil, is currently facing many Paxil lawsuits allegedly for not giving out an early warning on its potential to increase the risk of birth defects. The FDA had elevated the drug into its second-highest category for risk of birth defects, advising patients that this drug should usually not be taken during pregnancy.

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Dealing with Teenage Depression

The teenage years are among one of the most difficult years that a person has to go through. This is a time where actions are often misinterpreted and the aim to balance almost everything in life is greatly sought. Teenagers who manifest signs of depressions are often viewed as acting out or branded as attention-seekers. Seeking professional help would be best done immediately as depression can bring negative effects on the teenager that can still be felt during adulthood. Antidepressants like Paxil are often prescribed in people with depression but some filed Paxil lawsuits because of the unwanted effects of the drug. The teenager suffering from depression should be reassured that he/she is not alone and that help can be achieved.

Signs of Teenage Depression

Depression can be felt by almost all ages and the symptoms are generally true for all, however there are gender specific or age-related symptoms such as those exhibited by adolescents are they are:
•             Being frequently irritable, sad or annoyed
•             Too much or too little sleep
•             Sudden weigh gain or weight loss without trying to
•             Easily cries on even the most mundane things
•             Degree of concentration is decreased
•             Feels hopeless or helpless even with constant help and reassurance
•             Has thoughts of death and/or suicide

Manage Depression in Teens

Once you notice that your teenager has any signs of depression or any serious mood alterations, it is advised to take an immediate action. This might not only provide better results but it can also prevent suicide. When you are present with the situation, you are advised to immediately call your physician or a specialist. However, if a doctor is not yet available, the following can be done:

•             Support your teenager
Show your teenager that you’ll always have his/her back no matter what happens. However, make sure that you won’t exert yourself too much as teenagers may feel like they’re being patronized which they usually dislike.

•             Learn to listen
Hear your teenager out. Oftentimes, they want someone who they can share their thoughts and feelings without having to fear that they’ll be judged or lectured.

•             Encourage your teenager to open up
Teenagers generally avoid their parents or primary caregivers because they view them as persons of authority. As a whole, parents are encouraged to establish a connection between them and their children. Parents with depressed teens are more so encouraged in making their teens at ease towards them so they’ll serve as their children’s confidants and there’ll be no communication barrier. However, be wary that you are still respecting your child’s comfort level and sense of security while urging them to talk to you on things that are bothering them.

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Reviews of Paxil Show that the Drug Does Not Work in Teenagers and Children

Also known as Paroxetine, Paxil is a member of a group of antidepressant drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Introduced to the market in 1992 by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Paxil has quickly become one of the most popular prescription drugs in its field. There were also several clinical trials showing Paxil’s efficacy in both adults and in adolescents by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

It has been shown that Paxil can work quickly and efficiently with adults, in a clinical trial done by the FDA a group of patients were given Paxil while another group was given a placebo for 10-12 weeks. The results of the trial showed favorable results in the group given Paxil, as they showed less symptoms of depression compared to the group that was just given the placebo. The trial’s results are what helped Paxil gain its FDA approval for use against depression in adults.

In children and teenagers however, it has been shown that Paxil does not work efficiently in this group. There have been results that show that Paxil can actually cause an increase in risk of suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior in children and adolescents. There have been two different studies were made on observing these suicidal tendencies in children and adolescents while taking Paxil. A FDA statistical analysis showed a 2.7% raise in suicidal tendencies in children and adolescents compared to those who took the placebo. A University of North Carolina review of Paxil use in teenagers and children also showed a 4% raise of suicidal tendencies in the Paxil users compared to a 2% rise in the placebo users.

Recent studies have shown that Paxil can work well in adults; however these studies have also shown that the drug can actually raise suicidal tendencies in children and adolescents. If you believe that you or someone you know have been harmed by the use of Paxil then knowing your next legal option should be your next step. For more information on any potential legal action you may take, visit with a Paxil lawyer as soon as possible, most lawyers will give you a free consultation and many will not charge you unless your case receives compensation by the courts.
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