Archive for Nobyembre 2011

The Deep End of Paxil

Problems with depression are a worldwide phenomenon and some people may not even realize that they have depression.  In one of the survey in the US, 1 out of 10 adults have reported to have depression and are affecting more than 20 million Americans.   No specific cause can be given for depression but some risk factors makes it easier to understand why some people have it.  Depression sometimes foster dependency on the medication by the patients, a study has shown that antidepressants can cause manic episodes to non-bipolar patients.

 Depression and other mental illness’ specialists believe that genetic takes a big portion when it comes to risk factors.  Environment and genetic risk factors can be partners because for most people that grew up in an environment of depressed individual then it is likely that the child will also contract it.   Depression is also triggered by having to experience a tragic event.

 Gender has an also a significance in depression.   There are several factors that makes women more prone to depression than men and these are; stress in raising a family and earning money, pregnancy and post-partum depression and also hormonal imbalance or menstrual cycle.  Men may be at risk for depression if they have poor or bad relationships, stressed from problems at home and at work, unable to ventilate their emotions and have had substance abuse.

 Some people are also at risk because of their age.  Depression in the elderly is usually due to a loss of a loved one or the feeling of dependence.  Teenagers and children can also be depressed when they have poor relationship with their peers or family, and if there is a history of depression in the family.   Most pharmaceutical company is making profit out of depression because all of us can develop depression.   Paxil is one of the leading antidepressants in the market.   Since its introduction in 1992, Paxil has been in a lot of cases about its side effects.

 Paxil lawsuit is now being filed by people who have experienced serious side effects while taking Paxil.  GlaxoSmithKline is now facing a number of charges due to these claims. 

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